Earlier this year, I took to the podium at the launch of WHA’s Cities and Communities with Heart Initiative (CCHI) Nashville to talk about the importance of shining a light where I can on the issues that matter to me, to women and to all of us – especially the importance of women prioritizing their health.

Martina McBride with her husband and three daughters.
Because we tend to take care of ourselves last, we are also less likely to go to the doctor if something doesn’t feel quite right and we’re more likely than men to die following a heart attack.
We all are busy, but we must remember to focus on taking care of ourselves. For me, it’s important to set a positive example for my three daughters.
Self-care is so important. As women, we are often overloaded with responsibilities and with taking care of everyone else. I think sometimes it feels like working out or cooking a healthy meal is just one more thing on our to-do list. A 30-minute walk, preparing a healthy lunch or breakfast, meditating, yoga—there are so many ways you can take care of yourself and relieve stress, which is important for heart health.
I try to work moments of self-care into my days wherever I can – whether it’s doing squats while folding laundry, keeping healthy snacks on hand or preparing healthy meals in advance.
If I know I’m going to have a busy week, I take one evening and prep lunch bowls for me and my husband for a couple of days. One of my favorites is marinated grilled chicken with a cucumber and tomato salad over brown rice. I make a tzatziki sauce if I have time and if not I just drizzle a little olive oil and a squeeze of lemon over the top. Delicious! And the fact that it’s pre-made and all I have to do is grab it out of the fridge makes it so easy.
I also find time to get outdoors when the weather is nice—I like to hike around Radnor Lake in Nashville with my friends or my girls, or take a bike ride. When I am on road, one of my favorite things to do is bike for hours on trails around the tour stop.
Back home, family dinners are a priority—we eat meals together around the table three to four times a week. I think it’s so important. It’s the time when you connect, talk about your day, and also talk about the food and take the time to appreciate and enjoy it.
As you can tell, staying healthy is important for me, and for my family. That’s why I’m pleased to be working with the Women’s Heart Alliance to encourage women to know their risks and #getHeartChecked.
For recipes, inspiration and tips for fitting healthier choices into your day, remember follow the Women’s Heart Alliance on Twitter at @WHA or Instagram at @womensheartalliance.